What Doesn’t Kill Us…

In the face of a war in the Baltic and a firefight in our streets, I find my immediate challenge is the broken computer on which I am producing this blog post. I am powerless to fix either the computer or any of the bigger issues we face, but as one of my favorite pastors says, “When you don’t know what to do, keep doing what you do know to do.” So I am doing it.

Here’s what I should not have done: In a spectacular klutz move, I dropped a paper cutter on my poor little laptop. The screen now has a series of horizontal and vertical vibrating lines, through which I can see nothing, and am fighting being hypnotized by the graphic vibration. I have a five by seven inch window in which to work, so this will be short.

I feel like the jury is out on the idea that whatever doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. I don’t think that is working for the people in Ukraine, or the people who are shot in the street and manage to survive, or even me, with my broken screen that impedes the writing I must do every day. None of us are feeling stronger.

Neither does complaining make us stronger. Our job is to be grateful for all that we do have, which for me, at the moment, are the people who can fix my computer screen. I’d like to be able to do more for the other, bigger problems, but they come under the heading of what “I don’t know what to do.” So, I’m focusing on the computer.

Meanwhile, I plan to commandeer my husband’s laptop when he’s not looking…. If only the answers were as simple for everything else.


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