Quote of the Month: May 2022

“If we don’t defend what’s important to us, what’s important to us will disappear.”

— Anonymous

So, what’s important to you? Your family? Would you defend them? Or, your money or house? Maybe your possessions? What about your rights? Where do they come in your list of “Top Ten Things You’d Defend”?

Under the heading “Rights,” would you have subheadings? Like: privacy, speech, or parental rights? Do you have a right to safety? Much of this is debatable and is being debated in the public square. But one thing is certain, if we don’t defend what’s important to us, what is important will disappear.

In everything we do we have a choice: Are we victims or are we “more than conquerors”? Can we fight the good fight of faith, or do we wait to see which way the wind blows? Too much of the talk we hear is cheap. Actions speak louder than words (I didn’t make that up.).

One of the newer words in our lexicon is “slacktivist.” A slacktivist will promote charities on social media because it makes him look good, but he never donates or volunteers. He’ll let you know he thinks you use too much water on your lawn, but takes 90-minute showers. He’s the guy who says “I’ll do it,” but he never does. You might not want to depend on him to defend his own rights, much less yours.

If you want love, actually love others, if you want safety, promote those who make our city safe. If you care about people who need help, support ministries which do that kind of work. In fact, I have a book that lays all this out pretty well. It says: “Finally, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, excellent or praiseworthy, think on—and defend— these things.”


God help us,

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